The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate said BG had discovered oil in Early Jurassic sandstones with very good reservoir quality in both the 34/3-3 S exploration well and the 34/3-3 A appraisal well.

The wells are located west of the Knarr field (formerly under the name Jordbær) in the northern part of the North Sea.

The objective of well 34/3-3 S was to prove hydrocarbons in the Cook formation of the Early Jurassic Age in the Jordbær Vest prospect and that of the 34/3-3A sidetrack was to delineate the 34/3-3 S discovery by confirming the extent of reservoir rocks.

The exploration well proved oil in the upper part of the Cook formation with very good reservoir quality, while the side track proved oil in both the upper and lower Cook formation.

Size of the discovery is estimated to be between 1.5 million and 4.0 million standard cubic meters of oil equivalents, based on preliminary estimates.