Valued at Rs.1000 crore, the order, from Punatsangchhu Hydroelectric Project Authority, includes manufacture, supply, erection and commissioning of the electro-mechanical equipment for the 6x200MW hydro project. The six Francis turbines and generators and associated equipment will be manufactured and supplied by BHEL’s Bhopal facility while the control system will be manufactured and supplied by BHEL’s Electronic Division at Bangalore.
The Punatsangchhu project is being set-up under a bilateral agreement between the Government of India, and the Royal Government of Bhutan. Located around 80km from Thimphu on the left bank of the Punathsangchu River in Western Bhutan, the project is a run-of-the-river scheme.
Bhutan is one of the key export territories of BHEL. The company has successfully executed three hydro projects in the country – the 336MW Chukha, 60MW Kurichu and 1020MW Tala schemes. The new project is the single largest contract for BHEL in the hydro electric power generation business segment.