According to the AFX news agency, quoting Dutch newspaper Het Financieele Dagblad, major Spanish power companies Endesa and Iberdrola are amongst the competing bidders for Nuon’s Desarollos Eolicos (DESA) unit.

Desa runs seven wind farms with a total capacity of approximately 260 megawatts, and has a 3 to 4% share of the Spanish wind energy market.

Reports say the renewable energy unit is worth E500 million and if Nuon achieves this figure, it would represent a sale price five times that Nuon paid Spanish engineering group Abengoa for the assets in 2001. However, the value of the bids received by the Dutch power major have not been disclosed.

According to the reports, Nuon has taken the decision to sell after just four years because it is disappointed with Desa’s development in the Spanish sector and because it wants to refocus its resources on the northwestern European market.