The gasification facility will use local forest biomass sourced local forest lands, including the Sierra National Forest.

The biomass will be used to make electricity, heat and biochar and filter media.

The project will also be one of the first projects to use forest-based fuel under California’s new SB 1122 Bioenergy law.

Phoenix Energy CEO Gregory Stangl was quoted Electric Light & Power as saying: "This project is a fantastic community story and an example of what can be accomplished with a robust a public/private partnership.

"In the North Fork community, a sawmill was the main employer for years, and local jobs evaporated when it closed down in the 1990’s. This facility will not only make an impact on reducing fire danger and stopping wasteful ‘pile and burn’ disposal of excess forest material, but will bring back permanent jobs to a town where the forest economy used to provide them. California is littered with communities up and down the Sierra foothills with a similar story."

The facility will be built in phases with an initial 1MW financed mainly by the California Energy Commission grant and private and community investors.