This will be BioteQ’s fifth year of operation at the Raglan Mine site owned by Xstrata Nickel. Xstrata Nickel has chosen to work with BioteQ to apply new water treatment technologies that produce clean water to meet water quality criteria set by provincial and Nunavik regulations. The ChemSulphide plant is owned and operated by BioteQ, and is ISO 14001 certified for environmental compliance. The plant is budgeted to treat 750,000 cubic meters of water for the 2009 operating season. A new stand-by charge is in place, in the event that the rate of snow melt delays water treatment.
In addition, following the operation of the Spoon water treatment plant in 2008, BioteQ has secured a two year, fee-based contract with Xstrata Nickel to assume operating responsibility for the Spoon plant at the site. BioteQ will provide operating staff on a cost-plus fee basis.