Operations at the facility had been temporarily suspended in October 2012 due to the then prevailing market conditions.

Changes in the US Renewable Fuel Standard, RFS-2, that now mandate a 28% increase in the minimum volume requirement for biomass-based diesel from the 2012 levels, have improved the industry’s outlook.

BIOX CEO Kevin Norton remarked that the recent improvements in the outlook for the US biodiesel market gave the company confidence to resume production at the facility.

"We believe these improvements should support higher values for biodiesel based on the new 2013 compliance period, the increased minimum volume requirement of 1.28 billion U.S. gallons and the reinstatement of the U.S. biodiesel tax incentive.

"Based on these improvements and discussions with our customers we have contracted for sufficient product at this stage to resume production on an ongoing basis."

The company recalled its operational employees and is now preparing to build feedstock inventory levels over the next one week, before production can be resumed.