Black & Veatch is providing Minnesota Power with detailed design engineering for the entire wind project, 23-mile generating outlet line, substation and electrical collector system.

The Bison I wind project is Minnesota Power’s first fully-owned and operated commercial wind project in North Dakota.

“This project is a significant part of our efforts to meet Minnesota’s 25 percent by 2025 renewable energy mandate in a timely and cost-effective manner,” said Brad Oachs, Minnesota Power vice president, power delivery and transmission. “Black & Veatch’s combined experience in wind project development and associated electric transmission makes them ideally suited for bringing this renewable power to our Minnesota customers.”

“Wind energy is a sustainable source of power, and North Dakota has some of the best wind resources in the country,” said Kurt Westermann, vice president and director of Black & Veatch’s renewable energy business. “Black & Veatch’s extensive experience in wind and all renewable energy technologies, coupled with our expertise in interconnecting to the electric transmission system, enable us to provide clients with single-source solutions.”