Following the well reaching the total depth, a series of wireline log evaluations were conducted, which suggested the presence of at least four potentially commercial reservoir sands that are expected to undergo further testing.

The operator of the well, Solimar Energy, plans to set the casing immediately and then will begin the production flow testing processes.

Preliminary analysis of the wireline data shows hydrocarbon potential from the well’s main reservoir targets in the Allison, Leda, Lower Avenal and Lower Gatchell Sandstones.

A more complete evaluation of the wireline data with further reference to the offset well data will be carried out to determine how many zones will be tested and over what intervals.

The flow testing program will be conducted to determine whether the potential pay zones have sufficient saturations of hydrocarbons with the capacity to flow at commercial rates.

Such tests will also provide more definitive information on the gravity of the hydrocarbons as the initial indications showed the presence of light oil – up to 40 API gravity crude oil – in some of the zones.

The casing operations are likely to take approximately five days.

Once the casing has been run, the drilling rig will be released from the well site and a smaller testing unit will be brought on location to commence the flow testing program.