Bloomberg cited people familiar with the matter as saying that the move is a part the company’s efforts to divest some of its non-drilling infrastructure.

On sale are four pipelines and a gas plant along the Gulf of Mexico, and 15 storage terminals in the Midwest and on the East Coast.

The company is considering selling its stakes in the Wilprise and Tri-States Pipelines and the Pascagoula Gas Processing Plant. These are co-owned by Enterprise Products Partners. It would also offload its stakes in the Destin and Okeanos Gas pipelines, which is co-owned with Enbridge.

BP intends to invest the sale money in its drilling programs.

BP spokesman Scott Dean said in an e-mail: "BP successfully serves two-thirds of its customers’ fuel demand needs via third-party terminals throughout our marketing area.

"Given the success of this model, we’re exploring the divestment of additional terminal assets in the U.S."

According to its website, BP’s Illinois-based subsidiary BP North America currently operates more than 4,000 miles of pipelines and 21 terminals.