According to BP, the additional steps will follow placement of the LMRP containment cap, which is expected this week. Preparations for these additional planned enhancements are already underway.

The first planned addition is intended to use the hoses and manifold that were deployed for the ‘top kill’ operation to take oil and gas from the failed Deepwater Horizon blow-out preventer (BOP) through a separate riser to an intervention vessel on the surface, in addition to the LMRP cap system.

This system, which currently is expected to be available for deployment in mid-June, is intended to increase the overall efficiency of the containment operation by possibly increasing the amount of oil and gas flow that can be captured from the well.

BP anticipates that the next planned operation will provide a permanent system by directing oil and gas to a new free-standing riser ending approximately 300ft below sea level. A flexible hose then will be attached to a containment vessel.

This long-term option is designed to permit the system to effectively disconnect and reconnect the riser to provide flexibility for operations during a hurricane. Implementation of this enhancement is expected in late June or early July, BP said.

Tony Hayward, chief executive of BP, said: “BP’s priority is to keep as much oil as we can from causing additional harm to the Gulf, the shoreline and the people of the region.

“This planned multi-step containment strategy is our best option for achieving this as we work hard towards completing the relief wells that will kill this well completely. Our teams have been working closely with the Federal government, and I have discussed this plan personally with Admiral Allen. I hope we will see progress with these containment procedures in the coming days.”