NFWF, whose mission is to preserve and restore America’s native wildlife species and habitats, will direct this money to projects that bring the benefit to the wildlife of the affected Gulf Coast states.

BP will provide $5m to NFWF immediately, to ensure that NFWF’s work can begin even as initial oil collections from the Discoverer Enterprise enter the refining process, the company said.

Tony Hayward, CEO of BP, said: “With its successful 25-year track record of identifying and funding solutions to America’s toughest conservation challenges, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is a strong and responsible steward for this money from the wildlife fund.”

Jeff Trandahl, executive director of NFWF, said: “NFWF is working very closely with US Fish & Wildlife Service (FWS), other federal and state agencies, and myriad conservation organizations to identify the immediate wildlife needs throughout the Gulf.

“With this funding, we will invest in projects that will have the greatest benefit to the species most at risk from the oil.”