Recent drilling information confirmed the Petrobras X rig in operation at the block, drilling in 1,357 meters of water and targeting a total depth of about 4,900 meters.

Petrobras was also part of two onshore discoveries detailed to the ANP.

Partex Brasil Ltda. (Partex) yet again saw traces of oil at the POT-T-514 block in the Potiguar basin. The Sonda Pioneira Nordeste rig drilled the probe, which had a final target depth of 778 meters.

In February 2009, Partex also found traces of oil at another well in the block. Partex is the operator of the block with 50% stake in it, while Petrobras holds the rest 50%.

Petrobras also reported traces of oil in the BT-ES-15 block in the Espirito Santo basin.

According to ANP drilling data, the Drillfor-8 rig drilled the 1BRSA718ES well to a target depth of 2,008 meters.