Breitling-Big Tex #1 is a 9,000ft vertical well within the established Tex-Pac Field and is targeting Lower Clearfork Dolomite beneath 8,500ft.

Secondary objectives include the San Andres, Yates, Glorieta and Abo formations, the company said.

The Breitling-Big Tex #1 is the first of three Big Tex prospect wells to be drilled.

The company’s three-well Breitling-Big Tex Prospect was developed after a 75-square-mile 3D seismic shoot was reprocessed and interpreted last year.

Breitling Oil and Gas said it expects to recover reserves of 350,000-500,000 barrels of oil per well.

The company and its drilling partner Sandridge Energy plan to drill all three wells back-to-back using the same drilling rig.