The natural gas production rates are estimated to be between 200mcf and 300mcf per day. At present, a gathering line is being laid and the well will be producing and, subsequently, selling both gas and oil within a few days.

Leroy Halterman, president of Brinx Resources, said: “The Oklahoma project continues to impress. The additional revenues to be garnered by a new discovery well such as this will undoubtedly aid in expansion of company developments, and in turn, continue to create value for our shareholders.”

Initial electric logs indicated that the 2009-3#1 well may have intersected as many as nine separate potential pay zones. Further log analysis has defined three additional pay zones with similar characteristics that lie above the current tested and producing pay zone and are located within 60ft of this zone.

Two more pay zones were also identified in different formations at shallower depths. Each of these potential pay zones will be evaluated and considered for production.