The properties are located contiguously and to the west of the Monster Lake Project of TomaGold and Iamgold, in the Chibougamau Mining camp.

The properties are being acquired because Brunswick has identified to the west of the Monster Lake Structural Zone a parallel structural corridor.

The Monster Lake Project is underlain by Archean Volcanic rock of the Obatogamau Formation and is traversed by an important deformation corridor and associated gold-bearing mineralized structures.

Historical drilling and recent success by TomaGold have identified at least a four kilometer long structural corridor including amongst others, the 325 Megane high grade gold Zone.

The Corporation has entered into an option agreement to acquire 29 mining claims located in the Jamésie region of Northwestern Quebec.

Brunswick Resources Inc. will pay a total of $25,000 and issue a total of 1,500,000 common shares over a period of 3 years for an Option to acquire a 100% interest in the Irène Lake Property.

The Optionor has retained a 2.0% NSR in the property. This acquisition is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

The Corporation has entered into an option agreement to acquire 14 mining claims located in the Jamésie region of northwestern Quebec.

Brunswick Resources Inc. will pay a total of $6,000 and issue a total of 600,000 common shares over a period of 3 years for an Option to acquire a 100% interest in the additional claims of the Irène Lake Property.

The Optionors have retained a 2.0% NSR in the property. This acquisition is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.

Both properties are contiguous and to the west of TomaGold’s and Iamgold Monster Lake Project where 5 major gold zones were intercepted. Over 20 intercepts of high gold ranging from 10.0 to 237.6 g/t Au were discovered on the Monster Lake property.

Brunswick Resources announces that the Corporation has sold the Abitibi Gold Property. Brunswick Resources has decided to concentrate its exploration efforts on the new properties in Québec and on the Chester Property in New Brunswick.