Under the second phase, the company will replace and relocate about 30,000ft of water
mains originally installed in the 1950s.

The mains will be relocated from customers’ backyards to the street side of properties in Sacramento’s Parkway and North Parkway neighborhoods.

During the main relocation project, the company will deploy about 500 meters on homes within
the project zone.

Northern California general manager Andy Soule said the $6m project is one of several the company has in Sacramento that will improve the service, safety and reliability of the water system to its customers.

"Customers within this project can expect to see employees conducting preliminary surveys in the next couple weeks. By next month, construction should begin. All customers will be notified prior to any work being done on their property," Soule said.

Planning for the project’s final phase is already under way.

The bidding and contracting process for last phase will begin near the end of this year with work expected to begin in 2013.