The corporation has completed flow testing of the Guadalupe reservoir in the recently drilled Rancho Hermoso 6 (RH 6) well, the first of five development wells planned for 2010.

The RH 6 well encountered 115ft of net oil pay within five different reservoir intervals, which include, from top to bottom, the C7, Mirador, Los Cuervos – Barco, Guadalupe, and Ubaque.

Last week, the corporation announced that it had tested a gross rate of 3,340 barrels of oil per day (bopd) from the Ubaque reservoir, the first of three reservoirs to be tested in the well.

The Guadalupe reservoir at RH 6 contains 18ft of net oil pay and was perforated between 9,754ft and 9,758ft measured depth and flowed at a final gross rate of 3,302bopd of 33 degrees API light gravity oil with a 14% water cut using an electrical submersible pump set to a frequency of 50 Hz during a 24-hour flow period.