The company said that the original completion and test of the 3-12 occurred in December 2010 with an end-of-test rate of 1.2 million cubic feet per day.

The well was re-tested in March 2011 for two days yielding a peak rate of 10 million cubic feet per day (mmcf/d), an average rate over the test period of 4.8mmcf/d and a stabilized end rate of 2.4mmcf/d.

The Portage 3-12 was re-tested as follow-up to the successful re-test of the Portage c-20-E.

These two re-tests appear to confirm the benefits of ‘resting’ a well for an extended period after initial completion, after which flow capacity improves.

Earlier, Encana announced their acquisition of a 30% interest in the Kitimat LNG project.

The company believes that this LNG project will have a positive long-term impact on gas prices in Western Canada by the creation of additional markets and the consequential narrowing of West-to-East price differentials.