The property comprises contiguous claim blocks covering around 25km2.

The drilling results include 2.74% Gp over 98.1m from hole LL-14-06; 2.12% Gp over 98.7m in hole LL-14-07; 2.84% Gp over 30m, 3.36% Gp over 19m from hole LL-14-08; and 6.34% Gp over 6.5m and 8.88% Gp over 2.95m from hole LL-14-10.

As part of the program, twenty-five holes covering 3,137m were drilled to test surface graphite and evaluate the potential extension of the mineralization.

Canada Strategic Metals president and CEO Jean-Sebastien Lavallée said: "The company is very pleased that all the recent drill results from its last exploration program confirm the quality and potential of the La Loutre project.

"We are looking forward to receiving the results for the fifteen other holes of the program."

Earlier this month, assay results for the first five holes have shown 1.36% Gp over 20.5metres and 1.54% Gp over 12m from hole LL-14-01; 2.56% Gp over 19.4m and 1.54% Gp over 16.5m from hole LL-14-02; 2.55% Gp over 86.5m from hole LL-14-03; 2.74% Gp over 78m from hole LL-14-04; and 4.72% Gp over 128.35m from hole LL-14-05.

In September, Canada Strategic Metals has sold 40% interest in La Loutre property to Lomiko Metals.