The installation was completed by Canadian Solar’s partner GE Progetti & 3i on a two-hectare rural area without the use of reinforced cement in an effort to be environmentally friendly and to maintain the aesthetics of the landscape, the company said.

The Solarta project is hooked up to the local electrical network and all the energy produced will be delivered to the grid.

The photovoltaic panels from the Canadian company occupy 50% of the area and are arranged geometrically in multiple rows. In order to get the most out of the irradiation, the solutions adopted by Solarta are tilted at 28 degrees in order to guarantee greater exposure to direct rays of the sun, according to the company.

Leonardo Pozzoli, commercial director renewable energy department of GE Progetti & 3i, said: “GE Progetti & 3i relies on Canadian Solar as a trusted partner given its high quality and high performance products, which are ideal for large installations like this one.

“Moreover, Canadian Solar’s strong global reputation is helpful when working with customers seeking bank support for profitable PV installments.”

Canadian Solar claims that the CS6P are large size standard modules (H 1638 x L 982 x P 40 mm) used in systems connected to the grid, characterized by 60 solar cells capable of delivering high energy conversion capacity, even when light conditions are poor.