This will enable CWG to meet its commitment to the UK government’s Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) energy efficiency legislative scheme, which comes into force in April 2010 and is central to the UK’s strategy for improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions, as per the Climate Change Act 2008. It has been designed to raise awareness in large organisations and encourage changes in behaviour and infrastructure towards energy efficiency.

Power Efficiency’s carbon management services will ensure CWG meets all the registration and mandatory compliance actions under the CRC Energy Efficiency scheme, including annual auditing of energy usage and performance. Power Efficiency will also undertake all metering, make recommendations for lower carbon consumption, manage the purchasing and recycling of government carbon allowances under the scheme, and provide consultancy based on CWG’s position in the league tables.

Power Efficiency has over 10 years experience in the corporate commercial building sector and has managed CWG’s 300+ meters and procurement of over 90 energy supplies for four years. The appointment of Power Efficiency to oversee the group’s participation in the CRC Energy Efficiency scheme is part of its continued commitment to achieving energy efficiency across its estate.

Peter Kyte, managing director of Canary Wharf Management, said: “Canary Wharf is always striving for environmental sustainability and energy efficiency is a very important part of this. We have constructed some of the most energy efficient office buildings in the country and Power Efficiency has helped us further lower our energy procurement costs over the past four years. We are confident that, with Power Efficiency on board, we can achieve and exceed our carbon reduction goal.”