Under the contract, Capgemini will be responsible for implementation of smart-meter technology and associated network and computing infrastructure to install about 1.8 million electric and 600,000 gas advanced metering infrastructure endpoints throughout CE’s service territory.

Capgemini said the program will be led by the systems integration team from its North America Application Services unit in collaboration with SAP and Itron.

Itron will support the implementation with its cellular-based network communications solution equipped with data collection applications and Itron’s meter data management system, while SAP will provide architectural development and quality assurance professional services for the program.

Capgemini customer experience and operations vice president Patti Poppe said, "Through this program, Consumers Energy will enhance our operational capabilities and create new ways to provide customer value."

"Capgemini has a strong understanding of these programs and their expertise will be invaluable as we collaborate in a process to enhance our customer service," Poppe added.