Once licensed and approved by the state and federal regulatory agencies, CCG Energy will help Car Charging Group by providing more flexibility in the way it powers its system of electric car charging stations, the company said.

The company added that the formation of CCG Energy will allow Car Charging Group to provide the most competitive pricing for its end-user customers.

CCG Energy will also allow the company to continue to promote and provide customers with clean energy alternatives while also developing an operational infrastructure in preparation of the launch of electric vehicles.

Andy Kinard, president of Car Charging Group, said: “We believe the market for charging stations will grow exponentially as automakers answer increasing consumer demand for greener cars by manufacturing new electric car models such as the Nissan Leaf, GM Chevy Volt, and Tesla Model S.

”Recognizing that a lack of a pre-existing operational infrastructure for charging systems remains a major obstacle to mass-market adoption, we have formed CCG Energy to augment our current ability to install, own and service EV charging stations with the ability to buy and sell affordable electricity in approved states and in the future, provide V2G (vehicle to grid) services.”