Andy Kinard, president of Car Charging Group, said: “We believe it is very clear that electric vehicles will play an increasing role on the international scene. While significant strides have been made in the International EV market relative to standardization and battery performance, the lack of a pre-existing operational infrastructure for charging systems remains a major obstacle to mass-market adoption.

”This creates an excellent opportunity for our new subsidiary Car Charging International. With electric vehicle production at the head of auto manufacturers’ plans to comply with new emissions regulations as well as the exorbitant cost of fuel, we believe the market for charging stations will be especially robust over the coming years.”

Car Charging is anticipating the arrival of electric vehicles and believes that it is at the forefront of the electric vehicle revolution. The company said that it is at the head of the transition period from gas-powered automobiles to electric vehicles. The arrival of electric vehicles requires the construction of a network of geographically dispersed charging stations that will provide ready access to electricity.

According to Car Charging, with an estimated 40 million plug-in electric vehicles on the road by 2030, the need to establish charging station networks throughout the transportation infrastructure is critical to providing easy access to energy. The Miami, Florida-based company initially plans to launch its service in the South Florida market and expand nationally and internationally over time.