Brook Knodel, a deputy engineering manager at Careba Mott MacDonald said, “The interconnection of each wind park with the local utility presented unique challenges as each one has a very different configuration. The Chateaugay facility connects to a substation in Chateaugay, which supports two other wind farm developments in Clinton and Ellenburg, New York. It ties into the existing New York Power Authority Moses-Willis-Plattsburgh 230kV transmission line.

Further up the same transmission line, the Altona windpark connects directly to the same transmission system via a brand new substation designed, built, and commissioned in 11 months for Noble by Careba Mott MacDonald. The addition of these new tap structures also served to add reliability to the NYPA system while providing the most modern NPCC compliant bulk power protection system.

The Wethersfield wind park in western New York has both a substation and switchyard. The substation steps up the voltage to the 230kV level, where the newly designed and built transmission line moves the power to a switchyard 5.6 miles away. From that point, a switchyard connects the Wethersfield wind park via a ring bus configuration into the NYSEG 230kV grid.”