The company carried out a Beep Mat electromagnetic (EM) survey of the property coupled with mapping and sampling.

Located at the northern part of the Buckingham Graphite property, the zone measures 900m along strike, and up to 350m wide, featuring graphite-rich pits, EM anomalies, and it is open on all sides.

The largest excavation measures approximately 7 meters wide by 15 meters long and 4 meters deep, and the company says it looks like a borrow pit.

Caribou King highlighted that it encountered several former pits in this zone, some having broad horizons of large-flake and chunk-style graphite.

The company has taken several samples from the zone, which mostly includes large-flake graphite, and it has already sent the samples to SGS Canada for examination.

Caribou King Resources CEO Michael England said: "This new Case Zone discovery further demonstrates that Graphite mineralization at our Buckingham property is not restricted to the previously announced high grade Uncle Zone discovery in the south-eastern portion of the property.

"Initial sampling at Buckingham has returned some of the highest assay results reported in Quebec to date and continues to yield exciting new discoveries as exploration progresses."