As a stand-alone alternative to traditional hard-wired streetlights, Carmanah solar-powered lights are designed to offer convenience without compromise. Durable, reliable and cost-effective, Carmanah lights deliver bright, uniform illumination wherever it’s needed, without trenching, cabling or grid access.

Featuring custom fixtures by leading LED-lighting designer Beta Lighting, Carmanah solar–powered lights offer superior output and performance in accordance with IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) guidelines. A full-cutoff “Dark Sky”-friendly design directs light only where needed (preventing glare or spillover of light onto neighboring properties or into the night sky), while integrated energy management and motion-sensing capabilities ensure optimal lighting performance year round. As a dependable, long-lasting lighting solution, Carmanah EverGEN lights are covered by a five-year limited system warranty.

According to Ted Lattimore, Carmanah chief executive officer, solar-LED lighting technology is approaching the tipping point between industry innovation and widespread acceptance. “These are exciting times for solar lighting,” said Lattimore. “It’s a proven technology: reliable, convenient and affordable with a low total cost of ownership. On new construction you can now save money by choosing solar over grid power — that just makes sense; if you can save money by switching to a clean renewable resource, it’s time to think solar,” said Lattimore.

Carmanah is a Canada-based manufacturer of solar-powered light emitting diode (LED) lighting, solar power systems and LED-illuminated signage.