The NOE is a regulatory requirement that must be submitted to and approved by the BLM prior to carrying out any ground disturbing activities, such as drilling and access track preparation.

The BLM approval is subject to completing a number of standard regulatory processes. Carnavale expects to have completed these final regulatory processes by the end of June and anticipates commencement of the diamond drilling programme in early July 2015.

Phase 1 drilling programme – 5 diamond holes for 1200m at high grade Cobra and Rattler prospects

The planned 1200 metre diamond drilling programme comprises an initial 3 holes beneath the encouraging high grade Au-Ag-Cu-Zn-Pb mineralisation sampled in historic underground stopes at the Cobra Prospect and a further 2 holes beneath the larger underground workings at the Rattler Prospect.

The Company will provide a further update on the drilling programme and on-going preparations as the commencement date draws closer.