The diamond drilling programme has advanced, albeit significantly slower than planned, with the first two holes completed at the Cobra Prospect and the third hole currently underway, for a total of 350m drilled to date.

Once the third hole is completed at Cobra the rig will be mobilized to the Rattler Prospect, which is expected to occur in the coming week. In an effort to speed up the drilling programme, the contractor is in the process of replacing the current rig with another more powerful diamond/RC rig.

At Cobra, the planned programme of three drill holes aims to test the down dip potential of previously reported high grade polymetallic mineralisation sampled in the nearby historic mining adit.

Geologically, the mineralisation in the historic adit is interpreted to be hosted in a north – west dipping shear zone associated with significant shearing and brecciation within a limestone and siltstone package of rocks.

The first two holes have now been completed, logged and sampled. Logging indicates a similar sequence of limestone and siltstone as expected however only minor shearing is evident. Analytical results of the first hole, 15RHD01, have now been received with no significant results obtained. Results for the remaining two holes 15RHD02 and 15RHD03 remain pending.

Additional drill holes are currently being considered to test alternative structural orientations or potential strong plunging shoot controls.