The $280m wind farm will be located in the village of Taralga in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, Australia.

Under the contract, the Australia-based engineering and infrastructure management firm will deliver the electrical infrastructure for the wind project.

CBD Energy executive chairman McGowan said, "This represents a further milestone in this major infrastructure project."

The transmission line will connect the wind farm to the Morulan sub-station and will deliver the electricity produced at the project to the grid.

CBD’s Taralga wind farm will generate pollution-free electricity more than 300 GigaWhours every year, which is equivalent to the annual demand of about 40,000 homes.

Downer has worked on other wind farms, including Collgar Wind Farm in Western Australia, Lake Bonney Wind Farm in South Australia, Waubra Wind Farm in Victoria and the Mt Mercer Wind Farm, also in Victoria.

Value of the transmission line contract was not revealed.