Ceramic Fuel Cells has employed four full time staff to manage the construction phase of the plant. The Company expects to hire more local staff next year as production increases to meet orders.

State Secretary Dr. Baganz welcomed the start of fuel cell production in Heinsberg: “Fuel cells with high efficiency are a key technology of the future with significant economic potential. In Oberbruch it is now possible that a future industry can be developed. Given the global challenges of climate change, there are very promising market opportunities for fuel cell technology.”

Ceramic Fuel Cells chairman Mr Jeff Harding said: “On behalf of the board of Ceramic Fuel Cells, we are delighted to open our factory in Heinsberg, Germany. This is an important milestone for the company because it allows us to move from making expensive ‘hand built’ products to making semi-automated manufactured products at commercially competitive costs, and reflects two years’ work from our staff and key suppliers. We look forward to our Heinsberg plant making fuel cell stacks to go into our clean energy products for Europe, Australia and other global markets.”

To meet future growth the plant can be expanded to a capacity of up to 160,000 fuel cell stacks per year in the same building. The company also holds an option over a nearby parcel of land for future greenfield expansion.