<p>Ceres said that it will design and build initial prototype products that will be available for evaluation during 2008 and 2009. The prototypes will combine Ceres&#0039; fuel cell technology, which converts gas into electricity, with batteries, in a hybrid format. <br /><br />EDF Energy Networks will be funding the project through Ofgem&#0039;s Innovation Funding Incentive. The UK subsidiary of French utility EDF will pay over GBP600,000 to Ceres, which is equal to a 50% share of the GBP1.2 million costs of the first phase of the program.<br /><br />Ceres commented that the initial users are expected to be vulnerable customers for whom the security of a dependable home power supply in the event of grid interruption is extremely important. There are over 100,000 such customers on EDF Energy Networks&#0039; register for priority services.<br /><br />Paul Cuttill, COO of EDF Energy Networks, which provides power to a quarter of the UK&#0039;s population via its distribution networks in London, the south east and the east of England, commented: This program illustrates EDF Energy&#0039;s commitment to working towards a sustainable future. The Ceres technology offers an excellent way of doing this.<br /><br />Reuters has reported that Ceres is also developing domestic fuel cell boilers in collaboration with British Gas.</p>