The company said it is also working on commitments of another $200m, which is expected to close by the end of the month.

Including previous equity commitments of $2bn, Cheniere said it has received around $5.4bn until now for the construction of first two trains of the project to be developed at the Sabine Pass LNG terminal in the US Gulf Coast region.

The facility would include four liquefaction trains, each with a nominal capacity of about 4.5 million tonnes per annum (mtpa).

Cheniere Energy Partners chairman and CEO Charif Souki said the company’s ability to access a very large credit facility will significantly reduce its costs of financing during construction.

"We expect to reach a final investment decision and issue notice to proceed to Bechtel upon meeting all conditions precedent under the financial agreements, including, but not limited to, completion of the financing process with the Lenders and having all regulatory approvals in full force and effect," Souki added.

The company owns 100% of the Sabine Pass LNG receiving terminal, located on the Sabine Pass Channel in western Cameron Parish, whcih has regasification and send-out capacity of four billion cubic feet a day (Bcf/d) and storage capacity of 16.9 billion cubic feet equivalent (Bcfe).

Construction of the facility is slated to commence in 2012 with an initial phase of two trains, while two additional trains will be covered in the second phase in 2013.