Chevron has completed drilling and placed five wells into production, while other four wells are near to completion and tie-in to production facilities.

The wells have initial production rates of around 7.5m cubic ft of natural gas per day and 1,300 barrels of condensate per day, according to the company.

Chevron vice chairman George Kirkland said that Duvernay shale play is expected to lay a foundation for future growth in Canada.

Chevron North America exploration and production company president Jeff Shellebarger said the well performance and condensate yields exceeded company’s expectation and strengthen plans to move forward.

"Near term plans include transitioning to a two-rig drilling program to optimize well and completion design, and full field spacing requirements," Shellebarger added.

The acquisition of Alta Energy Luxembourg and affiliates assets has increased Chevron’s acreage to around 325,000 net acres in the Kaybob area.