The well, which was drilled to a total depth of 14098ft, encountered 243ft of net gas pay out of which 102ft of net gas pay was found in a deeper, previously unexplored target interval in the Orthrus field.

The well is located in the WA-24-R permit area approximately 60 miles northwest of Barrow Island.

Chevron vice chairman George Kirkland said that the find at Orthrus-2 represents its tenth offshore discovery in Australia within the past 18 months.

"Our successful drilling program offshore Western Australia demonstrates Chevron’s global exploration capability and our commitment to technical excellence and safe operations," Kirkland said.

Chevron’s Australian subsidiary is the operator of WA-24-R and holds a 50% interest, while Mobil Australia Resources Company holds 25%.

Shell Development (Australia) and BP Exploration Alpha each hold a 12.5% interest.