The electricity produced will be sold to Kit Carson Electric Cooperative through a power purchase agreement. Project construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2010 and conclude by the year-end. The facility will include approximately 175 solar panels placed on about 20 acres of the Questa Mine’s tailings site.

The project will be implemented in conjunction with an evaluation of various soil cover depths for closure of the tailing facility at the end of mining operations.

Fred Nelson, president of CMI, said: “It is gratifying to have the support of the local community, state and federal agencies. We are pleased to move forward with this project that will make use of Questa’s outstanding solar resource and help provide renewable energy to the community.”

Des King, president of CTV, said: “This will be the largest CPV installation in the US and one of the largest in the world. The demonstration will help us understand the benefits of CPV technology and determine its applicability in other Chevron operations and properties.”