Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) will be used to help offset the city’s electricity use for the next three years totaling approximately 167 million kWh which is equivalent to planting 3 million trees and taking 25,000 vehicles off the roads.

The RECs purchased by Joliet from JustGreen are sourced from 100% US wind power facilities and are certified by Green-e Energy, the nation’s leading certification program for renewable energy.

"Choosing electricity from renewable resources like wind gives us the power we need to grow, support job creation, cut greenhouse gas emissions and support additional clean, renewable resources in the U.S.A. Partnering with JustGreen to use green power is a smart choice for our community and our economy," said James D. Hock , City Manager.

"We are excited to offer our JustGreen products to municipalities who strive to improve their carbon footprint by reducing the environmental impact of their energy use," said GP Manalac, EVP for JustGreen. "By increasing voluntary demand for green power, JustGreen is helping organizations with their GHG reduction goals and its mission to help stop global warming."