The report, Who’s Winning the Clean Energy Race? 2010 was jointly compiled by Pew’s research partner Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Globally, the sector’s investments grew by a robust 30% to a record $243bn in 2010.

China remains the global leader, attracting a recording a 39% increase with $54.4bn in equity in 2010 while Germany ranked second, up from third, doubling financing to $41.2bn.

India moved into the top 10, with $4bn in investment, a 25% increase while the US witnessed a 51% increase in these investments to $34bn.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance CEO Michael Liebreich said that looking at global trends, the solar sector experienced the strongest growth among the various technologies, led by small-scale residential projects.

"Declining prices and generous government support in key countries helped the solar sector achieve 40% of total clean energy investment in 2010," Liebreich said.

In addition, the report also revealed that worldwide clean energy investment and finance has grown 630% since 2004.