The company claimed that the new LED bulbs result in energy savings of up to 70%, in addition to offering reduced glare and a quicker start-up time than traditional light sources.

Furthermore, these LED bulbs have less chemical emissions, and also require less maintenance than the street lights currently available in most communities, the company added.

According to an article in the September/October 2008 International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) Journal called ‘Maintaining Roadway Lighting and the Environment’, there are 60 million street lights in the US.

It is estimated that street lighting accounts for over 30% of all electricity purchased for most cities. Inefficient lighting wastes billions of dollars each year and can account for 28% of total greenhouse gas pollution produced by a municipality.

Thomas Irvine, president and CEO of ClearLite, said: “LED is one of the fastest-growing categories of emerging lighting technologies, thanks in large part to its ability to last up to 5 times the amount of time that a traditional bulb does.

“We are excited about this launch because we know that LEDs are the future of commercial lighting, and we feel strongly that our reputation as a leader in eco-friendly products places us in the perfect position to create a new trend that is both safer and more effective than what is currently available on the market.”