The project financing for gasification projects with National Power Corp on Romblon Island in the Philippines and Yuken India will increase Clenergen’s power generating capacity to 51.8MW by December 2011.

About $2.5m will be applied towards bulk purchasing of feedstock for existing 18MW and 27.3MW power plants.

Funds will also be allocated to upgrade a 1.5MW anaerobic digestion power plant to 2.5MW through the addition of a 1MW gas engine.

This in turn will generate approximately 40 tons per day of compost as a result of using chicken litter as a feedstock.

The compost will be used as a fertilizer on Clenergen plantations, with the excess being sold into the marketplace, the company said.

Clenergen executive chairman Mark Quinn said that execution of the company’s gasification projects in India and Philippines is a major milestone for the company.

"Working capital for our existing power plants will increase our bottom line profits through bulk purchasing and importation of biomass from south east Asia," Quinn said.