The project, designed to reach 1,024 kilometers, will boost an annual transmission capacity of 11 billion cubic meters. It will be able to fill the natural gas demand of the Shantung Peninsula and Jiaozhou Bay when concluded.

Work started on another project, part of the West-East natural gas transmission project supplying natural gas to northern Xinjiang, in Urumqi on September 25, 2009. The project is composed of three sub-lines with an annual capacity of 6.6 billion cubic meters. It should become operational by the end of 2009.

In addition, Huianpu-Yinchuan and Shikong-Lanzhon crude oil pipelines also started construction on September 25, 2009. The Huianpu-Yinchuan pipeline, scheduled for completion on June 30, 2010, will be 141 kilometers, while the Shikong-Lanzhon line will reach total length of 330 kilometers and annually transmit five million tons.

CNPC’s pipeline construction management department is working on all the six projects.