In addition to marketing existing lines, CoaLogix Tech and FLSmidth will jointly design standardized products, which will be marketed to energy producers by the CoaLogix Tech sales force. The agreement also brings FLSmidth’s existing technology for mercury remediation to CoaLogix Tech.

FLSmidth is a supplier of equipment and services to the cement and minerals industries, which face similar emissions challenges to energy production facilities. The partnering companies’ combined SO3, nitrogen oxide and mercury remediation technologies are already installed in plants generating over 60,000MW of coal fired generation, which represents about 25% of the coal generation market in the US.

The company said that in the process of burning coal, the sulfur in the coal is converted into SO2 and SO3. SO2 is captured by environmental systems in the plant while SO3 tends to be emitted into the environment contributing to acid rain.

This is a very large and growing issue with plants in the US because of the need to burn lower cost and higher sulfur coals. Mercury from coal fired plants is not yet regulated at the federal level. The Clean Air Mercury Rule (CAMR) was vacated in 2009 and new regulations are expected within the next year.

The company said that FLSmidth’s products already mitigate SO3 in generating units producing over 16,000MW of power, in addition to a number of mercury reduction units.

CoaLogix’s SCR technology has regenerated over 18,000 SCR catalyst modules that mitigate nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in units generating 33,000MW of power in the US.

Bill McMahon, CEO of CoaLogix, said: “With this partnership, CoaLogix is attacking SO3 and mercury in a holistic manner, combining SCR, dry sorbent injection and combustion management strategies. Our new SO3Assure offering will effectively mitigate both NOx and SO3 emissions.Our clients will benefit from lower capital expenditures longer component lives, fewer forced outages, better heat rates, fuel savings and lower CO2 emissions.

”The technology, equipment and personnel at FLSmidth are unparalleled in the industry and we are proud to be allied with them to support our customers.”