The AER panel highlighted in its decision that Vista project "will result in a significant socioeconomic net benefit to both the local region and the province".

The AER approval marks a major milestone in the regulatory process for the approval of Vista while the company is due to finalize detailed licenses and permits over the coming months.

Coalspur president and CEO Gill Winckler said that the approval from the AER marks an important step in Coalspur’s aim to be major export thermal coal producer.

"The certainty that the decision provides, positions the Company well as it works to finalize the remaining funding for Vista over the coming months," Winckler added.

The AER approval comprises various requirements relating to Vista’s coal processing plant, mine plan and end-pit lake, geotechnical investigations, fines management, surface water quality, wetlands, wildlife and noise mitigation.

"We thank the AER for its diligent work on its review of Coalspur’s applications, and will continue to work with regulators and stakeholders as we develop this important energy resource for the benefit of communities close to Vista and Alberta as a whole."