Total production from Songkhla A is approximately 7,000bopd from the A-01, 03, 07 and 08 wells. The newly completed A-04 is down due to mechanical pump issues. A hydraulic workover unit is being mobilized to remedy the A-04 well and to install larger pumps on the A-01 and A-03 wells.

Randy Bartley, CEO of Coastal Energy, said: “We have had some issues with the downhole mechanical pumps and they are being appropriately addressed. The production disruptions that we have experienced are entirely mechanical in nature and do not reflect on the quality or expected performance of the reservoir. We are now looking forward to turning our focus to the Songkhla B exploration prospect.”

The company has also revealed that the first hydraulic fracturing program has been completed on the Phu Kheng-1 well on Block L 27/43 onshore Thailand (Coastal 36.1% interest). Limited gas flows were seen following the completion of the frac test.

The operator is now determining the forward program, which might include fracturing of shallower zones where gas shows were seen during drilling. The EMAS EE-2 hydraulic workover unit remains on-standby at zero cost ahead of conducting the second test.

The testing program on the Si That-3 well on Block L 13/48 onshore Thailand (Coastal 21.7% interest) is ongoing and awaiting the arrival of equipment.