The solution will allow pipeline operators to prioritize where they can apply resources in order to help reduce the potential for unexpected events.

It includes GE’s Pipeline Management software combined with Accenture’s expertise in business process and systems integration.

The solution integrates data from several sources such as geographic information systems, work management system, control center, and one-call system, as well as external sources like NOAA and USGS.

It also integrates data including pipeline attributes, risk scores, inline inspection findings, planned assessments, HCA locations, leak history, one-call tickets, emergency valve location, precipitation and fault lines.

A set of filters and layers will allow users to evaluate data in several ways to rapidlyidentify areas of interest and examine threats or remediation measures.

CPG COO Shawn Patterson said: "The Intelligent Pipeline Solution provides an integrated, geospatial view of our pipeline assets aligned with critical factors related to pipeline integrity.

"We look forward to the functionality that future releases of IPS will bring to our organization."

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, CPG owns and operates over 15,000 miles of natural gas pipelines. About 1.3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas flows through the company’s pipeline and storage systems every year.