CTC Cable had earlier secured an order for the installation of ACCC London conductors of 45 kilometers to be installed on the high voltage transmission network in the UK.

Electricity Alliance West undertook an extensive and rigorous program of testing for the ACCC London conductors, which received approval from the National Grid, the owner and operator of the high voltage transmission network in England and Wales.

The conductor will be installed on two lines in National Grid’s network.

The first line of approximately one kilometer was installed with twin bundle conductors near Sheffield, UK, in mid-March.

CTC Cable president Stewart Ramsay said we are very pleased to successfully complete the rigorous testing program for new conductor types and for ACCC conductor to have become the first composite core conductor to be installed on the National Grid UK network.

CTC is principally engaged in development, manufacture, sale and marketing of wide range of renewable and energy efficient electrical energy products.