The contract extends Comverge’s relationship with UMD, which has resulted in an electricity load reduction of more than 20 million kW over the past two years, the company said. The expanded terms of the agreement would support Maryland’s State Buildings Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act, which requires that all state agencies reduce their energy consumption as part of the state’s energy reduction goal of 15% by 2015.

George Hunt, senior vice president of Comverge, said: “We are pleased to be extending our partnership and helping these state agencies contribute to Maryland’s aggressive energy goals in the coming years. This new agreement will allow all state agencies to take advantage of new programs as they are developed with PJM.

“The revenue that can be generated through these programs coupled with recent federal stimulus funding will make demand response, energy efficiency and permanent energy reduction projects more accessible to support the long-term conservation goals of Maryland.”

Under the new agreement, Comverge energy analysts will continue to provide load profiling and IT support, energy audits to measure where energy could be saved, complete on-site assessments, metering and system integration and assistance with 24/7 technical and operations support from its Integration & Command Center (ICC) to all UMD campuses and other state agencies.