Under this new recycling program, customers can have their old, energy-wasting ‘second’ refrigerator removed for free and receive $30 cash for disposing of their older refrigerator, which can cost twice as much to run as newer, more efficient models.

The company will remove regular-sized second, or extra, refrigerators, which are often kept in garages and basements, at no charge and will also collect old, inefficient window or wall air conditioners for recycling at the time of refrigerator pick-up.

Con Edison will pay $30 for second refrigerators, $35 for window air conditioners and $100 for wall A/C units that must be in working condition in order to be picked-up and recycled.

Con Edison residential electric customers in one-to-four family homes are eligible for the incentives under this program, which will allow the customers to turn in a maximum of two appliances per type per household.

Con Edison manager of residential energy efficiency programs, Cristina Coltro said that old refrigerators account for nearly 20% of the energy used by the average New York household and this new recycling program will help customers save money and help environment.