The field is operated by Kebabangan Production Oil, a joint venture company in which ConocoPhillips Sabah and Shell Energy Asia each hold a 30% stake while the remaining 40% is owned by Petronas Carigali.

ConocoPhillips exploration and production executive vice president Matt Fox said: "This is the third major project startup planned in Malaysia this year, with Siakap North-Petai brought on stream in the first quarter and the Gumusut-Kakap floating production facility starting up in October.

"These projects will contribute to the company’s organic growth over the coming years."

The addition of these high-margin barrels will help support the company’s efforts to supply annually 3 to 5% production and margin growth.

Initially, the field production will utilize six wells and the gas will be exported through pipeline to the Sabah Oil and Gas Terminal in Kimanis.

The Kebabangan integrated drilling and production platform is located in a water depth of approximately 450ft.