The company had completed a 2.7MW solar project for Owens Corning’s thermal and acoustical insulation plant in Feura Bush, New York, in 2013.

Under a 20-year power purchase agreement, Owens Corning is purchasing the electricity generated by the system, while the project is totally financed, owned and maintained by Constellation.

Constellation said that it is the third-largest commercial solar developer in the US with 58 projects and 177 installations in 10 states and the district of Columbia, while its total solar generation was amounted to around 164MW.

Constellation energy management programs senior vice president Gary Fromer said the customers recognise that on-site solar generation is a smart solution for achieving sustainability objectives and proactively managing long-term electricity costs.

"Our focus on providing customer value, in markets and circumstances in which solar deployments make good business sense, continues to drive significant growth in our customer-sited project deployments," Fromer added.